As the summer heat begins to grip the state of California, keeping cool is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. We all want to get out of the sun and find a nice air conditioned place to hide out. Luckily, California has plenty of options when it comes to keeping cool, you just need to […]
Month: August 2018
The Truth About Criminal Threats
Threats are a part of life, a knee jerk reaction to anger, hurt feelings, and fear. Most people make threats without any intention of ever carrying them out. However, in this current world where school shootings and other heinous acts seem to be a weekly occurrence, people and members of the law enforcement community are […]
Passing Blame From Generation To Generation
How many times have you’ve heard the saying, “Back in my day…” Every time those words come out of someone’s mouth, a pair of eyes roll at the same time. What is happening is one generation is comparing their life experiences to another’s generation. Though people might not intend to be negative or condescending, people […]
The Call You Never Want To Make
Whenever you have to call 911, it’s never a good thing. No one ever calls 911 to celebrate a victory. When you call 911, it’s usually because things have taken a turn for the worst and the situation is out of your control. When you dial 911, you aren’t just calling the police. You’re calling […]