Whenever a person is making a large payment, or taking out a large loan, the seller or lender like to make sure that they will get all of the money owed to them. The most common way of doing this is by asking for collateral. This way, even if the money owed isn’t paid, the […]
Month: August 2019
Some Common Questions about Bail and Bail Bonds
When it comes to bailing someone out of jail, you probably have a lot of questions. That is perfectly normal. Most people have questions about bail. Luckily, we here at Tiny’s Bail Bonds in Fresno have all of the answers for you. We have worked with bail and bail bonds for over 30 years. You […]
A New School Year Means New Peer Pressure
The new school year has arrived and students are working hard to get back into the swing of things. While most adults just think about all of the new classes their child will be taking, and all of the new teachers working to educate their child, the kids have other things to worry about, mostly […]
Don’t Get Scammed: Make Sure Your Donations Go Where They Can Actually Help
When someone is in trouble, there are always people out there who are willing to offer their assistance. It is one of the great things about people. It is truly amazing to watch people come together to support and aid those in need. Recent events have shook the nation, and these tragic events have brought […]