Bailing someone out of jail may seem like an expensive undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be. If you get help from the professionals here at Tiny’s Bail Bonds in Fresno, you can get some great deals. Our bail bonds only cost 10% of the bail that they are for, and we offer special discounts for qualified clients.
Posting bail on your own can be expensive, but with help from the professionals here at Tiny’s Bail Bonds in Fresno, you can get it at a fraction of the cost. Our bail bonds are 10% of their bail, which means you save 90% by coming to us. That is a huge discount in and of itself, but we do not stop there.
Here at Tiny’s Bail Bonds in Fresno, we offer a 20% discount off the price of the bail bond when a qualified person co-signs. With this discount, a person only has to pay 8% of the full bail price, not the usual 10%. To qualify for this discount, one of the co-signers needs to:
• Be a member of the military.
• Be a member of AARP.
• Be a homeowner.
• Have a private attorney.
As long as just one of those requirements is met, you can qualify for this discount.
On top of this discount, we also provide qualified clients with a 0% down payment option. With this, you don’t have to make a payment on the bail until a month after your loved one’s release. This deal can be very helpful for people. Clients need approved credit to qualify for this discount.
At Tiny’s Bail Bonds in Fresno, we provide all of our clients with personalized payments plans that have no hidden fees and 0% interest. Everyone gets this financial help. Qualified clients can get extra discounts like the ones mentioned above to make bailing out a loved one a very good deal.