The first time the term “road rage” was officially used was during the 80s when a team of broadcasters decided the term perfectly summed up the cause of a highway shooting. Since that broadcast, road rage has become a regular part of our working vocabulary. At the same time, it has become a serious problem […]
Bail Bond News
The Difference Between a State and Federal Warrant
Most of us know that the police can’t simply walk into our homes and start searching it unless you’ve given them permission to do so, or if they’ve gone through the correct legal channels and acquired a warrant. The same is true when it comes to arrests. While there are some exceptions, such as drunk […]
California’s Famous Three Strikes Law
California’s famous three strikes law was created in 1994 and received voter approval. The murder case of Polly Klaas and Kimber Reynolds was the catalyst for implementing the three-strikes law. Kimber Reynold’s life was brutally ended in 1992 during an attempted mugging. One of the muggers pulled a gun, placed it against Kimber’s ear, and pulled the […]
The Ins and Outs of Medical Malpractice
Mistakes happen. The problem is that when a member of the medical profession makes a mistake, there is a good chance that a person’s health and/or overall quality of life could be impacted. In some cases, a mistake could result in someone losing their life. According to the American Board of Professional Liability Attorneys (ABPLA,) […]