Make Sure You Understand How Bail Bonds Work in California

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We understand how this can be a stressful and confusing situation. Let us reduce your stress as our professional and fully licensed bail bondsmen walk you through the bail bond process, answering all your questions. Contrary to popular belief, understanding the bail bond process is quite simple. Of course, there is going to be its […]

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Can I Get in Trouble for Having a Fake Gun in California?

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When you walk into a toy store, you will find entire shelves full of imitation guns. Some don’t look even close to real, while others are surprisingly authentic looking. Looking at the authentic toys, it’s easy to wonder if you could get in trouble for having an imitation gun in California. The answer is both […]

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What Happens if You Fail to Appear for Your Jury Duty Date?

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Our justice system depends heavily on jury duty. If you are contacted about jury duty, you’re expected to attend and uphold your civic responsibilities. First, it is important to understand that even though you have been contacted about jury duty and are expected to serve, there are some exceptions. The court will excuse you for […]

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