What is Expungement and Can I Clear My Criminal Record?


Expungement is the process of having an arrest, conviction, and other related records sealed so that they aren’t available to the general public. Most states, including California, have taken measures that allow people to have certain records expunged. The reason for this is that it makes it impossible for people who may be conducting a […]

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Can I Be Arrested and Lose My Driver’s License for Speeding


The sight of blue lights flashing in the rearview mirror and the realization that you are going way above the posted speed limit causes everyone to break out in a cold sweat. The faster you’re going, the more likely it is that you’ll find yourself spontaneously worrying about things like, can I be arrested and […]

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Here Are Ways to Understand the Dangers of Fentanyl


When fentanyl was first starting to generate some media attention, the synthetic opioid was a good thing. It was a popular and extremely effective method to treat extreme pain. Doctors commonly prescribed it post-surgery, and patients with advanced cancer often used it to help control their pain. When used in a medical setting and under […]

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