As you’re aware, when an adult is arrested, he or she may be eligible to post bail and be released from court to return home until a court hearing. Bail is not available for arrested minors. So, you’re wondering what happens in these scenarios? Here are some of the various options for an arrested minor […]
Selma Bail Bonds
Find Out What Bereavement Leave is in California’s Jobs
Bereavement is the time it takes a person to handle the passing of a loved one. It isn’t much time. It is literally just enough time to arrange for a funeral and to handle the immediate legal necessities connected to your loved one’s passing. Once the bereavement period has passed, you’ll have to return to […]
Read About Ways to Prevent Your Child from Getting Abducted
Dealing with the fallout of an abducted child is something no parent should ever have to go through. However, when preventing child abductions, there’s no such thing as being too prepared. Teach Your Child to be Safe When They Encounter a Stranger Stranger danger is still very much a thing. While not common, there are […]
Learn How Does the California Family Rights Act Work?
Everyone who lives in California should dedicate some time to familiarizing themselves with the California Family Act. Businesses that are required to grant leave based on this particular Act are all state governmental agencies and any California business that employs at least five people. The Act requires the business owner/manager to grant leave to any […]