There is a whole lot to take in whenever someone deals with bail for the first time. The part that almost always surprises people is the cost. Bailing someone out of jail in California is not cheap. It typically costs several thousands of dollars. While getting a bail bond is cheaper, reducing the cost of […]
how do you bail someone out of jail
What Are California’s Car Seat Laws?
The goal of every good parent is to keep their child safe. Unfortunately, this task is a lot easier said than done thanks to all of the different ways a child can get hurt. At times, it can feel a bit overwhelming for a parent, but they never give up. Their child is counting on […]
Why Can Bail Be Denied
A lot of people assume that whenever a person is arrested, they are given a bail amount. As long as the person pays the bail, they will be released from jail. However, this isn’t always the case. A person isn’t always guaranteed to be granted bail. There are several different reasons why a person could […]
Do You Follow Click It or Ticket?
Every driver, and even most passengers have seen signs on the road that read: click it or ticket. The campaign has been around since its founding in 1993 when it originated in North Carolina. From there, the campaign spread across the country with some states embracing it more than others. The ones that have taken […]