Are There Restrictions For Defendants Wanting To Travel?

Are There Restrictions For Defendants Wanting To Travel?

Are There Restrictions For Defendants Wanting To Travel?

Yes, there can be restrictions in traveling depending on the defendant’s terms of the agreement in the bail bond they signed.  Every person has a different situation involving their case. Restrictions can be applied to an individual depending on how serious of the case.  If the defendant is on a state bond they can travel out of the state but must keep it national.  In state bonds, the defendant might have to contact their bail bondsman for approval beforehand.  A federal bond is totally different.  The defendant must stay in their state and city.  Violent crimes that involving serious law breaking are federal bonds.

What if defendant breaks these rules?

If a defendant breaks anything that has to do with their bail bond risk becoming revoked.  This is a serious business!  The defendant will have an arrest warrant issued out on them.  Breaking the agreement can put the defendant into more fines and charges.  This can turn into a very expensive contract breakage.

So please, as a co-signer (indemnitor/guarantor)  you have to take care of your family or loved one with the information and rules.

To learn more about bail bonds, please contact Tiny’s Bail Bond online or at 866-742-0764.