What Is Bail Forfeiture Explained

What Is Bail Forfeiture Explained

Bail Forfeiture Explained

Bail forfeiture is an order given by the court system.  A court demands a surety to pay the amount asked for security.  The defendant then must fulfill the requirements requested in the bail bond. 

There are two types of bail forfeiture that we are going to talk about the two right now.  There is a voluntary and involuntary release to the custody of the court without possibility of repayment.

Voluntary Release

A defendant can use the bail given for his release as payment.  This payment will go towards court costs, fees, fines or assessments that are against the defendant as part of their sentence.  The defendant can only use this to satisfy the court nothing else.

Involuntary Release

Bail forfeiture occurs when a defendant fails to show up to court.  Any bail given for their release has to be paid to the court.  This is not it either, the case still continues and the defendant is now faced with an arrest warrant for his/her capture.  This is not good because a new bail amount is set at this point.   This causes there to be more money flying out of nowhere from co-signer or defendant.

To learn more about bail bonds, please contact Tiny’s Bail Bond online or at 866-742-0764.